Beiträge von tylrroberts

    Exactly, Access team please look at how many of us are having the same problems. I think the previous threads have established it is not people making basic installation errors etc, and not something that is going to resolved by looking at individuals setups and spotting some simple mistake.. We are all getting random glitches, sounds, and sync problems. There is obviously some logic / virus problem. Please help us out here guys!!!

    completely agree with what you guys are saying.
    The Virus TI is an amazing synth and the absolute go to machine. But the integration with Logic 9 is making it really hard to use. Sometimes it works well, then other times it has a complete mind of its own and will play random noises. Sometimes loses sync etc. The integration is not reliable enough to be using in sessions. We are all getting very bored of hitting start and stop all the time and the panic button to try and get it to stabilise. Logic is such a major DAW, for all us loyal Virus users please sort these bugs out, we all seem to be battling the same problems here!!

    hey, is there any word on when an update for macs to 64 bit will be available. Automation dosent work properly when running virus in logic via 32 bit bridge.