• i use my korg esx and emx depends on my mood as my sequencer for my virus ti

    i use my 5 synth parts to use as 5 midi channels to my virus : when i adjust the cut off or or effects on my korg electritribe it moves paramaters on my ti that i dont not want to be moved. is there any way i can control the midi data with the ti so lets say my filter section is the same thing controlling the esx filtesr to the ti. so that some of the same buttons do the same thing. or a ways to turn off certain midi parameters in the TI so i can adjust things in the electribe with out it adjusting my synthsin the ti i need some help bad i refuse to use a computer. i was to just use analog gear.

    any one elese using there tribe with the Ti and some tips how u get them to talk eachother.

    i can change my parts to corresponding midi channels in the ti but wheni move nobs on the korg it fucks up my syths that i took so long to create. i want filter on the korg to control filters on the ti and i want the effect section on the korg to not effect my ti

    korg is my master and ti slaved

    also when i solo lets say a bass line i made wiht the ti on part one of the electribe it will pitch my bass line so i cant solo anything with out my song changing pitch

    can any one help? thanks

    [email protected] :thumbup:

  • The Virus uses different CCs for common parameters than the ESX/EMX.

    Korg allows you to remap the controllers I believe...read the manual!!!

  • korg is nrpn does virus support that?

    also i need to be able to switch from my multi 1 and pattern 1 on emx to multi 2 and pattern 2 on emx just moving emx nob.

    when i move the main nob on the emx to pattern 2 in the Ti on multi 1 it channges patches and not multi's