Got some snow and I dont have to shovel!!

  • Just want to say that I am extremely impressed with the virus snow. I have been thinking about getting one for a long time. I never thought i would hate turning knobs on a synth but I love using the virus control...its so fast and scrolling through menus and knobs breaking down. I love hardware but I dont like when it breaks down(Got a few)..So this is one of the reasons I moved to the virus TI snow.

    i own a Virus B and to be honest I never liked it to much..One HUGE difference I have noticed is that the filters on the TI sound Incredible. The TI is now my weapon of choice and compliments everything I have well.

    Setup wasn't to hard..i'm dealing with some slight latency issues but i'm sorting that out slowly.
    When I first heard about the virus TI I laughed because I was a strictly hardware guy..I thought "why the hell do I want hardware with knobs that I can use on my computer???

    Just want to say now I totally understand... Im SOLD..Thank you Access, you guys did an incredible job.

    Steve Quadra