can't figure out how to dump Virus C banks A and B to TI2

  • - on the virus do i initialize a total dump of banks A and B to my TI2?

    in the virus C i only see a "store to flash" function for banks to be written to its own banks and not to midi out.

    - after that how do i direct those banks to TI2 banks Y and Z?

  • Connect your Virus C MIDI out to your soundcard MIDI in and create a new MIDI track in your DAW that accepts input from the soundcard MIDI port you used, and arm it (also speeding up tempo to ~200 will help if you may ever want to transmit this file back). In the system menu, follow the instructions laid out in the Virus C manual on chapter 8, "MIDI dump TX" pp.117-118. In short you select either of the single banks, start recording in your DAW, and press store. When the Virus is done transmitting, you should stop recording, and verify that the DAW has recorded some sysEx by opening the new clip in your DAW's MIDI event editor. You can now also bring the tempo back to a normal level. The Virus TI SW doesn't work with all MIDI file types, so when you export this clip to a MIDI file, save a separate file for each combination of options, and note to yourself later which combination worked in the next step. Assuming your Virus is installed, connected and turned on, start the Virus Control Center utility (not the plugin), and use it to "burn to flash" one of the MIDI files into the ROM bank of your choice.
    Good luck!

  • Or do what I did from a VirusB.

    Start Sound Diver (bundled with the earlier Virus'es), get a copy from Access support if you don't have it.
    Copy the banks you want to a new "library" and save/export it as a .mid file.
    Then open it in the Virus TI plugin and do what you usually do to get them into the TI.

    If I remember correctly the names of the patches wasn't always correct (some letters were dropped) or in the incorrect position, but the settings and the sounds themselves were intact.
    Worth a try at least.