Virus ti2 Knob analysis

  • Hi guys.
    I don't own a virus as of yet, but i am in the verge of buying a Ti2 Desktop if i solve some financial issues that drag me back

    I want to ask one question before owning this awesome synth.
    What is the bit depth of the surface pots?
    For example, Midi sends 10 bit messages and uses 2 start/stop bit and one bit to indicate if its a sys or data message and has a 7bit analysis of system and data messages which means that if i control a filter with one midi cc, then i get only 127 different values for the cutoff frequency.
    If i use the virus as a control surface for itself, instead of the cc of a midi keyboard, do i get better analysis (bit depth) for the control i have assigned? And how much bit is it?

    Thanks in advance and pardon my slight dyslexia.

  • Except for the pitch bend which is MSB+LSB by definition, the Virus sends (and receives) 7-bit values for all of its CC and sysEx messages. Internally it makes up for this low resolution in two ways: (1) you can select how to avoid the zipper noise (staircase effect) from several smoothing algorithms (2) you can define finer controls using the modulation matrix. Regarding controlling other devices, you can't squeeze more than 7 bits out of one Virus knob.
    Hope this helps.

  • Just to add the knobs on the virus control surface are also controlled at 7bit level... i.e. values run -64->+63, 0-127 and 0-100% (in 127 steps, i.e. about 0.8%)

    flabberbob, I remember seeing somewhere about changing the smoothing algo, but cannot find it in the menus... (or is it the smooth mode in patch/common, which can be quantised?)

  • Just to add the knobs on the virus control surface are also controlled at 7bit level... i.e. values run -64->+63, 0-127 and 0-100% (in 127 steps, i.e. about 0.8%)

    flabberbob, I remember seeing somewhere about changing the smoothing algo, but cannot find it in the menus... (or is it the smooth mode in patch/common, which can be quantised?)

    Yes, SmoothMode in the Common menu is the one.

    'Off' turns off the smoothing, so you can make immediate jumps from one value to another (such as from a step-seq or MIDI) without it attempting to smooth the transition between the values.
    'On' turns on the smoothing, eliminating the zipper artefacts. It sounds and feels great, but as it involves a time element (like portamento) to blend between values, naturally it can feel slightly slow/laggy depending on the types of knob twiddling modulations that you do (such as immediate, rapid or slow).
    'Auto' attempts to analyse the knob movements you do and alters the period of the 'smoothing' accordingly. Sometimes it makes the wrong calls though when doing modulations rapidly.
    'Note' uses smoothing, but jumps when you play a new note, such as when step-sequencing.

    It's all internal, so works whatever MIDI messages you input to the Virus, the Virus deals with it itself. It doesn't affect other devices.