Using the Virus TI without the TI

  • Hello,
    I´ve been using my TI Desktop quite some time via VC Software in Cubase.
    But I´m just done with the latency issues and the crashes. Now I´m trying to use it via midi and analog outputs.
    Setting this up is not the problem, but it is very annoying to have to copy my presets, many hundreds via the Virus Control Center and have to burn it to those ROM Banks I´m able to overwrite, cause I cant even prelisten to the sounds in the VCC.
    Honestly, since I´ve never used the TI as an analog synth, I´m also kind of confused with what to use, Single/Multi or Seq Mode?
    Since I´m not really stacking sounds, but just using one at a time, does that mean, Singlemode is right for me? When switching to Seq Mode, it plays some kind of sound, which I dont know how to change, nothing is working. I´ve checked the Virus TI Refefrence Manual and the User Manual, but I dont get it.
    Can anybody enlighten me here?
    Is there a way, the Virus receives data like tempo from my host (Cubase), or do I have to set it up for every single preset I´m going through, which is seriously an absolute creativeness killer.

    Thanks for helping me!!!!

  • Single mode = single patch, single midi channel
    Multi mode = multitimbral, so 16 different patches loaded in different parts, each (by default) on a different midi channel.
    Seq mode = very similar to multi mode, but midi channel is fixed to part number.
    (Seq mode, doesn't really add much imho, you may as well use multi ... I suspect it only exists for VC)

    which mode, well depends if you need to use multiple patches at one time.... if not, then single works well :)

    Tempo - set your Virus to midi / sync external , then you can get Cubase to send it midi clock...
    this keep the TI in sync with Cubase, and also match tempo.

    I use the TI this way.... a couple of things id highlight.
    - use USB midi, not midi din cables... its faster, and so sync is much better.
    - you may need to adjust your audio input latency in cubase to ensure things are in sync.

  • Thank you very much for clearing this up!
    2 Questions though:
    1.How do you use the USB cable as midi, doesn't that switch the TI into VC Mode?
    And how can I tell Cubase external instrument to use USB instead of midi?
    2. The latency inside the external instrument window?

  • no, loading VC puts it into VC mode... if you dont load this, then you will see the "Virus Synth" midi device

    latency, sorry i dont use cubase, but there will be some preference to tune the audio latency (some times called audio recording latency),
    but try it first, and then you can dig into it, if you find the audio your recording seems a few millseconds late or early
    (usually DAWs try to set it to a sensble default, so it may be ok)

  • ok, thank you very much!
    But using your own build presets without the VC still requires the VCC to copy my Presets from MysoundsXY to the ROM Banks right?

  • you can also copy to RAM, no?

    I do my sound design on the Virus itself, and don't really keep that many presets, so don't see it as an issue.
    there has been some talk of a 3rd party Editor, Im not sure if that works well or not? MysteryIslands or something?)

    you can also use the 'old school' way and 'midi dump' the patches (only in/out of the RAM banks)
    either from the 'store' menu, or using the config/midi ... transmit/receive midi dump.
    (id assume, that the .mid files you have stored from VC are in this format)

    I think the 'general' idea, is you do most of your work in the RAM banks, then once they have settled down,
    you then copy them form the RAM banks, into ROM, to give yourself some more RAM bank to play with.
    (given the RAM can store 4x128 = 512 presets, its not too bad)

  • Unfortunately it's not that simple with those Presets and copying takes time...
    external sync now works, I just didn't get it, because the little monitor on the virus kept saying 120 bpm even though I switched tempo around in Cubase. But it is working, it just doesn't show it on the Virus.
    The only thing I still haven't found out is, where to set if a sound is poly or mono or mono 1 etc.
    In the VC it's under Common, but it's not on the Virus. So how to make a monophonic patch polyphonic?
    thanks for your really big help! Much appreciated!!!!

  • I always had problems with crashing, and more so with timing sync (arps, LFOs etc) to MIDI clock with the TI in Digital Performer. I stopped trying and just use the hardware (which is an awesome sounding synth!).

    Just for fun I have recently tried the latest few versions of the TI plugin (AU). Having this plugin installed just crashes DP (8) on startup when it examines it.

    I sure wish there was a stand-alone editor like the Virus Control plugin but that you didn't have to use as a plugin. It is such a great interface to set up multis and tweak patches. Does it work on anything other than Logic (does it work in Logic even?)

    Been a big disappointment and huge time sucker ever since it's inception. Which is a shame as it is a greta idea, and the synth is fantastic.