How to setup multi-timbral virus session in PT LE (RTAS)

  • How is everyone else setting up Virus TI in Pro Tools to take advantage of multiple patches?? So far, i only can figure out how to load the Virus RTAS plugin on in Instrument Channel and utilize channel 1 of the available 16 on the Virus. If i setup a MIDI track pointing to another channel on the Virus, it does not let me hear the sound, even if i choose USB1+2, which i hear on from the Instrument Track which has the Virus loaded... it is Pro Tools LE 8.0.3. I just switched to PT, and having some issues getting up and running with the Virus... Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give!!! :)

  • I'm not sure which OS you are running on, however, PT LE 8.0.3 on the Macintosh seems to have some issues with the TI plug-in ... I have made a post of my woes and there are a couple of others which you should be able to search and find pretty easily.

    On the Macintosh I have imported the virus plugin track from the tutorial file into my own project and had it set everything up great. I have never been able to just add the plug-in manually and get it to work as expected, however.

    So, even if you are running windows, you should be able to import the track into your project.

    Also, the tutorial song is a great place to look at how the routing of midi is done as well as aux tracks.

    Hope that helps a little bit.

  • i doubt very much that the tutorial song contains something that you cannot do yourself in protools 8. essentially, all you need to do is to make an instrument track, insert the virus plug-in and make midi tracks which send information to the virus on the appropriate channel. where does the actual problem comes in? there is no difference in between mac os and windows in this regard.


  • Aether, thanks that did help comfirm i was doing it right...

    Hales, i didnt even know about the tutorial file... once you said that, i looked in the support folder and found it... :)

    Marc, oddly enough, when i use the default template that loads with a new Virus instance, it has odd behavior like instruments on all midi channels playing with only midi data on one track... However, I used the tutorial session with no issues... so i placed init patches to all 16 channels, and saved it as a template for the virus. Now, if i load up a new virus instance, first thing i do is load the new template i made in place of the default, and so far, no issues... fingers crossed.

    Thanks everyone for the input.