New to Virus Snow and Ableton - how to make separate audio tracks, one for each part?

  • Hello,
    I purchased Snow, internet is full of praises about Total Integration, that it is like VST etc. But isn't. I purchased Snow, I have problem with setting it up in Ableton: I can't get separate audio tracks for each Snow part.
    So, after hours, now I have two scenarios:
    1) two stereo audio tracks, one with parts 1 and 2, second with parts 3 and 4. Useless, because I need to put effects but on single parts, not pairs
    2) four MONO tracks: USB 2 L, USB2 R, USB 3 L, USB 3 R. Totally useless, because tracks are mono (I have to set left-right balance knob on every track) and that sounds like a s**t
    Anybody knows how to get 4 separate stereo audio tracks in Ableton???
    Snow has also USB 1 option, but tracks in Ableton shows only USB2 and USB3. Is my Snow faulty?

    Thanks in advance for any help, it is gonna to make me crazy. Attached videos are completely useless, because are about TI, not TI SNOW, and menus are completely different.

  • Hello..

    1) How you can use two stereo audio tracks? Snow has only one stereo audio output?
    2) Yes this isn't good idea.

    I can choose only the first two stereo usb outputs in vc not the third..
    I think it's impossible to use 4 separate track.. But u can use the audio output for 1st part, usb1 for 2nd part, usb2 for 3rd part, and if you can use the 3usb for the 4th part then yes it's possible, really can you use the 3usb output?

    Live shows only usb2 usb3 because you hear the usb1 always from the same chanel that you have the plugin..

    I'm working also with Live and Snow and i'm totaly satisfied and i prefer only the audio output for all 4 parts really no need for VST effects, you can mix the parts on the VC and when i want to record i am recording each part separated.

  • With any TI (not just the Snow) you can have three stereo audio tracks over USB. USB1 and USB2 always are available, USB3 is available whenever you don't use the stereo audio input.

    You use Virus Control to select which output each part goes to. Obviously at least 2 parts have to share an output. It's trivial to route the three outputs to their own tracks in the Ableton mixer.

    Before you get too upset I want to remind you that no other hardware synth can do this, period. :thumbup:

    Other hardware synths that support audio over USB are limited to a single stereo output and I can't think of any multitimbral hardware synths that have individual analog outputs for each part either :whistling:

    If you really need to process all four parts independently just bounce one of the parts to audio first.

  • Thanks in advance for any help, it is gonna to make me crazy. Attached videos are completely useless, because are about TI, not TI SNOW, and menus are completely different.

    there are two differences in between the TI and the Snow regarding Virus Control: the snow has 4 parts and therefore the part bar looks differently and the snow does not have the remote mode and therefore virus control omits that page when a snow is connected. the rest is the same. the old videos might look a bit different because they were done with an earlier version of virus control which features a different color scheme. but i'm sure you can translate the information you see to your version of virus control, especially as the majority of controls did not change their position over time.
    hth, marc