Filter problem with OS4 beta..!

  • On my Virus TI "1" Keyboard the filter has got'n some kind of latency and/or is not doing at all what i am doing... With "high" resonance it's very audible...

    Hope this will be fixed, cause this makes filter sweeps and generel filter performance completely impossible..!

    All the best...

    Ma'co - Coral Earth Studio

  • Agreed. This has been a problem since the initial OS4 Beta release and is still a problem with new OS4 Beta. This problem is not limited to the filter, but rather effects all parameters controlled by any of the hardware knobs. The tracking resolution / latency is horrible. OS4 has made using the Virus hardware controls so frustrating that I don't even try any more. Oddly, if you use a separate hardware controller to adjust the filter and other parameters it works just fine. Tracking is smooth and there is hardly any latency at all.

  • Wow, I had not noticed that - yeah, if you go on Init and just chuck the resonance up, if you manually oscillate the cutoff at just the right frequency (~1Hz) the virus starts to lag behind by over a second... wow.. I guess you found a pole in their smoothing filter...