TI2 Desktop Volume Questions

  • Hi guys !

    I have a couple of questions relating to volume in Multi Mode:

    1. What is the difference between the "Volume" parameter and the "Init Volume" parameter ?
    2. Is any of these parameters related to velocity ? I'd like to set my control pedal to vary the velocity (say from 50 to 100) whereas right now when I use the pedal, the volume (or velocity ?) moves from 0 to 127.

    Many thanks for your help.


  • Usually you nor use volume neither velocity for performance volume control with a pedal but midi controller cc #11 - "expression". Therefore these pedals are sometimes also referred to as expression pedal. Often cc #7 "volume" is used instead but that's conceptually somehow wrong because it should define the basic volume in the mix and not the fast live variations - which like you mentioned not necessarily need to affect the total volume range...

    I just tell this to make the concept clear. Unfortunately I am not sure if the virus is doing so.

  • Thanks TI User. I stand corrected ! I should indeed have referred to "Volume" and "Expression". :pinch:
    So, now that that is out of the way, can anyone help ? How is volume and expression implemented in Multi Mode ? What is the difference between "Volume" and "Init Volume" in Multi Mode ?
    Many thanks for your help.
