Ableton and Virus Snow - Latency workaround

  • Ableton 8
    Virus Snow
    RME Fireface UC

    Hi everyone,
    I´m trying to find a workaround for this big latency problem that every Snow User knows.
    The Problem is, I´m building my sounds in the virus and insert on the Miditrack my plugs.

    But the latency(using USB out) makes it hard to actually work with it.
    If I´m using the Analog Outs of the Virus, I cant hear the plugs of course, so I thought of inserting the same plugs on the audiochannel I´m recording on, but then I´d have to switch to Monitor Mode to hear something while I´m playing around, and monitoring leads to feedback. So I muted my monitoroutputs in my fireface, no feedback but too less signal input.
    Anybody knows what I´m talking about? Same Problems? Ideas?

    If I´m using my Cubase 5, I still have latency probs, but by far not as much as I do in Ableton. (I checked the Buffersize etc.)

    Thanks for help or Ideas, it really sucks at the moment, so I can either work in Ableton without my Hardsynth or use it in Cubase....