some issues while working with cubase (5.5)... any hints?

  • Hello, I want to report some issues regarding the virus TI2 used in cubase5.5.

    This is what i´m using.
    virus ti2 polar
    asus p7p 55d mb
    i5 750 processor
    windows 7 64 bit
    cubase 5.5

    maybe i´m doing things wrong, i´m not certain, i made a long pause in the sequencer, vst, synth domain
    and i dont know cubase very well (i came from logic..) :)

    the virus currently works as soundcard in my system.

    1) when working on a track where virus is playing lets say about 5 to 6 different parts after a while it plays
    the notes of one sound very short as if one had shorten the decay-times and set sustain to zero.
    Also while playing a melo with some lfo mod on cuttof using TWIN-MODE the left channel plays randomly notes on a
    very high cutoff when it should be very low...

    2) there are relatively often midi note hangups while working with cubase. Sometimes this even starts when cubase
    is not running, while i´m eating, making a coffee or something like that...

    Until now i feel the overall behaviour of this "total integration" thing is a little bit strange...
    maybe i need to get used to it, or this is all about the 64 bit thing?
    (My good old reaktor-plugin for example is practically not usable in cubase, crashes it completely after a while. ;( )

    Anyone with similar experiences and/or some hints about it?


    virus ti2 polar
    asus p7p 55d mb
    i5 750 processor
    windows 7 64 bit
    cubase 5.5 32 bit

  • Ährm... what?
    Personal question?

    Äh, no, its running currently on 256 buffer size...
    128 i did not try until now. I tried a higher one. That didnt work... ;)
    Should i try 128?

    virus ti2 polar
    asus p7p 55d mb
    i5 750 processor
    windows 7 64 bit
    cubase 5.5 32 bit

  • did 128 + safety buffer option...
    it will take a while to see if something has changed..

    the strange behaviour of the Twin-mode mentioned earlier is still there, when i switch twin mode of, cutoff behaviour is as expected, but in twin still strange!

    P.S. 128 buffer without safety buffer doesnt work. cubase tries to start and stops, crackles and thats it... :|
    btw: how is the latency thing and cpu-load if one has a nice soundcard and doesnt need to use the virus as soundcard?

    virus ti2 polar
    asus p7p 55d mb
    i5 750 processor
    windows 7 64 bit
    cubase 5.5 32 bit

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von prokaion ()

  • don't worry my friend it's the problem with asus intel P55 AND H55 AND H57 chipest Series and maybe other board with these chipiset...
    BTW ,i had the same problem with my H57d-evo mainboard and i got a dedicated usb pci card
    and then sync and 128 buffer got work fine...
    i suggest you to buy a dedicated usb pci card and after install check your virus bandwidth which is included on universal serial buss controller ,your bandwidth should be 73%

    Notice: i tested mbox pro2 usb and m-audio usb and they had the same buffer problem with internal usb as well..

  • oh, no... is that true?
    Any chance that this might be cured by a bios update in the future?
    what do you mean exactly with dedicated usb pci card?
    Is this to overgo the onboard usb? how expensive is this?

    virus ti2 polar
    asus p7p 55d mb
    i5 750 processor
    windows 7 64 bit
    cubase 5.5 32 bit

  • first, let me thank you for your advice! :)

    today i bought an usb pci-card. I was a bit in doubt if pci or pci-express since the pci-bus just runs on that good old 33Mhz. Wouldnt that be a bottleneck?
    But the seller even did not had a PCIe card so i tried simple pci. Everything was like you said. I can now run the pure 128 buffer-size(but this eats my cpu in the song... :S ), the used bandwith showed 73%.
    the issue with twin mode might be also solved (have to surveill it for a while). The thing is one has to put the lfo-phase in unison in lfo to zero (middle) AND press the mono button on the lfo which modulates the filter. Complicated stuff.. sometimes i wish to have a more in depth documentation about the inner life of the virus... ;) what for example does the filter link button mean? is it not the same as cutoff link? have to figure it out still. its not even mentioned in the reference manual....

    ok, thank you a lot again
    kind regards

    virus ti2 polar
    asus p7p 55d mb
    i5 750 processor
    windows 7 64 bit
    cubase 5.5 32 bit