TI patch for my Banshee Talkbox?

  • You're going for the standard Roger sound? I use my Virus to drive my talkbox which you can hear here:

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    I can just walk you through making your own patch; it's one of the easiest kinds to program...

  • Hey, I'd love a walkthrough of a good banshee talkbox patch for the Virus. I just recently got a banshee and I haven't quite mastered it yet, so any tips in that direction would be welcome as well :)

  • Okay! Jeff you not interested anymore? Not sure why "1" would think it sounds like white noise, but he's basically right about the patch.

    If you want the familiar Roger sound, just set up Oscillator 1 as a saw wave, dial in about 5% sub oscillator to give it some meat. The amp env should be slightly less than instant attack, and the secret is to have a little tail on the release, or it'll be harder to play. You don't need any filter or Osc 2 or 3. Make it monophonic and turn on portamento. You want a pretty fast portamento but not too fast, play with it to see what sounds like singing. Then depending on how you play your keyboard, set up a routing in the matrix to have an LFO modulate the pitch of Osc 1at a speed that sounds like singing vibrato (play with it, use your ears), and then attach that either to the mod wheel or to aftertouch.

    Finally send the sound out on Output 2, which you'll connect to your talk box. Turn the Tone knob most of the way up for maximum intelligibility and there you go. Mind you some people don't know this: you have to mic yourself playing the talk box to make it sound normal. It sounds strange just by yourself or in the room to other people. Basically the mic is bringing up and compressing the consonants into the vowels.

    This is the basic technique to get the standard Roger sound, but I firmly believe everyone should customize it a bit to come up with their own sound. Especially since the Banshee is so good you can run anything into it. For years I had to use the Heil Sound talk box and that was really tough.