bizarre white noise distotion

  • this has happenned twice so im gettng a bit concerned

    Everything is working fine using Virus control in cubase then all of a sudden the virus crashes and i get this fucked up white noise digital distortion like an old dial up modem(except worse)

    am hopping that it is something to do with the last update and not my A/D convertors

    anyone else had anything like this..............

  • I've been speaking with support about a similar issue. Can you tell me if this is coming through the USB audio?

    Indulgence gets us friends, but truth gets us hatred.

    OB-6, Polivoks, Polivoks Pro, Virus TI x2, Waldorf M, MS-20, MS2000, Radias, Minilogue, Minitaur, Argon8, Erebus, Alpha Juno 2, TR-8S, Xio 49, Ultranova, Microfreak,

  • not really like low level noise......more like a heavy as fuck digital crash

    will reinstal windows and see if it happens again