how to load patches and banks??????

  • i've downloaded the patch banks from the access music website

    loaded to sysex librarian (mac)

    played the file from sysex librarian

    i can see the data on my midi screen

    virus kb shows s.e. (sysex) icon

    but patches are not loading

    what am i missing?

    should the virus kb show "in progress" or "successful" on the screen?

    i have global set to load to bank A

    please help


  • Hi, did you manage to sort this out? I bought a TI2 yesterday and want to load patches from .mid but cannot seem to get it working. Mac is talking to the Virus, and playing the .mic with Logic set to the Virus, but no action. I think it has something to do with the Virus being recognised as a virtual instrument and not as a midi port.
    Any thoughts?

  • Please note that the TI has options that the older models don't.
    trouser: since you have a TI, it is enough that you go to your user/documents folder, locate the access folder and place the new .mid banks under the patches subfolder there. The next time you load up VC in a DAW, you will be able to use its browser page to get to the new banks, without physically loading the whole bank into the synth.
    80sCrisis: I'm less familiar with the older models, but the Rx mode is the key to this, along with making sure the sysEx data is replayed slowly enough. I've seen it done in "edit buffer" Rx mode, where one patch of the bank is temporarily stored at a time and you can choose if you want to store it in one of the memory banks.