Multi-timberal Automation

  • Hey all ,

    When i try to do my automation work on one of my multi-timberal tracks for the TI in Logic it seems to affect all 16 tracks rather than just the one intended . This goes for simply turning up the volume as well , how to i automate separately ? Any help is greatly appreciated !!! Thank you ,
    Aaron :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::thumbup:

  • i'm curious if heckmat's hint is of great help because you do not create midi tracks in logic. logic is not cubase ...
    you need to create a multi channel audio instrument. and those have ONE volume slider for the entire instrument. that's why you're controlling the allover output volume instead of the part volume which i guess you want to ride. in order to do that you need to automate the part volume inside virus control instead. this is true for every multi channel instrument by the way.
    best, marc

  • im confused because they are midi tracks within logic ! you create a 16 track multi-timberal instrument of which each track is controlled by midi information ! but i still could not get it to work . your saying all automation has to be done within the virus ? This makes since and i appreciate your help !!! And this way would save a ton on cpu , thanks !!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von viralprogression ()

  • im confused because they are midi tracks within logic ! you create a 16 track multi-timberal instrument of which each track is controlled by midi information ! but i still could not get it to work . your saying all automation has to be done within the virus ? This makes since and i appreciate your help !!! And this way would save a ton on cpu , thanks !!

    sure, those are midi track in the sense to holding midi information. my comment was specific to "2-route them (midi out) to each virus ti midi channel (1,2,3)" which is not possible in logic. you might do it that way in other sequencers but in logic, you can't successfully. even if you attempt to do so by cabling from a midi track to an audio instrument in the environment. you should read up on multi channel virtual instruments in the logic user manual.
    cheers, marc

  • Ok im having such a hard time figuring this out , As popular as Logic and Virus are in the dance music scene i know that this has to be easy to figure out but i can't find any video or anything on this . Can someone please help me , How do i automate my tracks seperately in Logic pro ? i tried to do what you said mark but i don't know how and there are no videos on the subject . So i have to do it within virus control , ok but how ? Please help so many things going through my head that i need to do but i can't because of this speed bump . Please help or give me a link to a video or something . Thanks Aaron

  • In Logics arrange screen press A to open automation lanes, ctrl click in the Virus lane then go to automation parameters>Virus then select the part number & parameter you wish to automate.

    It's no different to the way you would automate say the ES2 for example, apart from you have to pick the particular part number in the Virus.

  • In Logics arrange screen press A to open automation lanes, ctrl click in the Virus lane then go to automation parameters>Virus then select the part number & parameter you wish to automate.

    It's no different to the way you would automate say the ES2 for example, apart from you have to pick the particular part number in the Virus.

    Thank you so much !!! I have searched and read and everything you could possibly think of and apparently no one else knows how to do this or they don't care to share . I was beginning to lose hope , now i can finally move forward ! Thank you bro you are a good person !!!