Need help to control my Blofeld (desktop) with my Virus TI Keyboard in Logic 9

  • Hello everybody...

    I bought a Blofeld a few weeks ago, but cannot manage to use it in Logic. I use an Access Virus TI as a Midi controller (that's the reason I post this request here, because it might be related to some Virus settings...)

    This is my configuration:

    1. I linked Midi IN from the Blofeld to Midi Out from my Virus TI, which means that I use the keyboard from the Virus to control the Blofeld.

    2. I linked Stereo Out from the Blofeld to my soundcard (Motu Ultralite mk3 --> IN 5-6)

    3. Both the Virus and the Blofeld are connected to my Mac Pro via USB and the Motu is linked via Firewire

    So, when I create a "midi externe" (I'm using the French version of Logic) track, I don't know wich "Port" to use. I have this choice:

    - Tout (all)
    - Virus TI MIDI
    - Virus TI Synth
    - Waldorf Blofeld out
    - Ultralite mk3 hybrid Midi port

    Then I'm lost... I really don't know what to do... I've tried all possibilities, but I cannot get any sound from the Blofeld... when I touch a key on the Virus, I can see it receives midi data because the light on the channel appears and also the one on the Blofeld... but I cannot get any sound of it and not record it.

    I think this get complicated because I use the Virus as a controller, isn't it?

    As I'm not an expert with linking stuff... I'm asking for help, because it's becoming very frustrating. Furthermore, I don't find the "Logic Pro manual" very helpful in my stituation...

    I had a look and found this explanation (, but it's like reading chinese for me... can someobody detail me how to do this? if possible in French?

    Thank you for your help,



  • I'm not familiar with the Blofeld but I know a little bit about Logic. I will try to help you, you need to have a way of recording your MIDI notes in Logic as well as triggering the Blofeld - for that reason I'm going to suggest you try the following.

    Disconnect the MIDI out of the Virus & the MIDI In of the Blofeld for now, with the Virus connected to your computer via USB if you play notes on the Virus keyboard do you see anything in Logics MIDI monitor display?

    Yes - great

    From here you have two choices:

    1. Connect the Blofeld via USB where the option should show up in your MIDI ports as something like Blofeld USB


    2. Connect the MIDI out of your Ultralite to the MIDI In of the Blofeld, if you did this then you would select Ultralite as the MIDI out port.

    If the Blofeld uses USB for purely MIDI & nothing else then I would probably go for the 2nd option, it's up to you though. Once you have got this far you should only need to create a new External MIDI track then choose the correct MIDI port. To make sure you can hear the audio from the Blofeld if you are doing it all within Logic you will also need to create an audio track with the correct Inputs chosen, this will need to be "record armed" or else you will hear nothing - make sure that you have the MIDI track selected in the arrange window then just play that baby.

    If this gets you to a point where you can hear the Blofeld, then next step would be to make sure that your MIDI instrument in the environment is correctly set-up allowing you to change the patches from Logic - but I think we should leave that until you can at least hear the synth first.

  • Hi Ruari!

    How can I thank you!

    I've tried everything before your reply but couldn't get any sound from the Blofeld!

    Thanks, I did exactly as you said in the second option and now I can listen to and record my Blofeld!

    Anyway, I didn't now an Audio track was needed in Logic... but I was aware that there was an "output" problem... I had look in the Help manual but couldn't find an answer

    thank you so much, I'm so happy thanks to you!

    good luck with producing!

