Parameter Mismatch

  • Hello,
    I've tried searching the forums, but this question may be a bit too specific (even though it may have been addressed before). As you may know, when you change a parameter on the Virus TI2 hardware (e.g. using the filter cutoff knob), you can adjust the parameter back to the original settings of a patch by turning the knob until the led indicator lights up. When using this technique (of returning a knob/parameter to it's original setting using the led indicator), while also working within Virus Control (VC), I've noticed that the parameters DON'T return to the original settings as the led would indicate. I mean the led lights up, and the cooresponding knob moves on the computer screen, but if you look at the original setting (numbers, e.g. 88 out of 0-127) at the bottom of the VC gui, it doesn't match up. And it's not just a visual mismatch, as you can actually hear the difference from what the patch should/originally sounded like. I have to "manually" adjust the knob on the screen with my mouse to get back to the original setting And as many of you may know, it can be difficult to get back to that exact number with a mouse (because no return to default option is available). Is this a known issue, or am I missing something very simple?

    Virus TI2 desktop
    Running latest VC (not the 4.5 beta)
    Ableton Live ver. 8.2.2
    Windows 7
    Knob config: snap

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

  • I know it can be "fun" responding to the endless posts about how VC is ruining people's lives, but give my post a try for a change. :P
    Pretty please... :D