Filter envelope as modulation source for reverb/delay send not working?

  • I want the filter envelope to modulate the amount of the reverb/delay send.
    I set it up in the modulation matrix. But whatever I do, wheter positive nor negative modulation amounts,
    nor setting the reverb/delay send to non zero values first and then modulating it, it just doesn't work.
    Same with Amp envelope.

    When I do it with an lfo it works fine, both in normal mode and envelope mode.

    Am I missing something? Or is this a bug?

    Thanks for any help.

  • I believe this is by design.
    Problem is, the envelopes are per-note, while effects are global per patch.
    So, if you have 10 notes going at once, how would you apply the modulation?

    You might say "but why doesn't it work for monophonic patches, at least?". That's a good question :P
    Apparently, Access programmers decided it's more trouble than it's worth.

    But there's a workaround! You can use LFO1 or 2 in ENV mode. You might also need to set it to "mono" mode, but I'm pretty sure it should work.