Access virus ti desktop and midi keyboard problem

  • hello all,

    ia musing a virus ti desktop, oxygen 8 v2 midi keyboard and logic pro 8, its probably something very simple but i cannot figure out so i have come to the community for support.

    the issue is when i select my virus in the channel strip and just press play the sound that comes out will be what patch is loaded on the virus now if a press stop and stay in the same channel strip and use the keys on my keyboard the only sound that comes out is the original init patch ??
    playing or not playing ? now if i use say massive i can play the keys fine

    any help to how to sort this is much appreciated


  • We need a bit more information to be able to help in this case, but the very first thing I would test is to make sure the Virus TI Control plugin is set up correctly in your Logic 8 software. One easy way to test the functionality is also to load the Virus TI + Logic tutorial song, which you will find on your Mac under

    [macintosh hd]/[library]/[documentation]/[access music]/[virus ti]/[turorials]

    If the problem you report does not happen with this tutorial song, then most likely the setup in your current Logic project is not correct. Send me an email to

    support [at]

    and I can send you a set of screenshots showing you how to set this up in Logic 8.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner