Issue with strange volume changes

  • Hello guys!

    I´ve got a new phenomenon on my TI desktop. I am using a Mac Pro with Ableton 8.1.3 and the latest Virus OS version
    I am using some scenes in Ableton to playback the playbacks of my liveset and I have one miditrack that sends program changes
    to the TI. And there´s another channel that receives data from the Axiom 25 Keybard and sends them to the TI out. I am using the
    TI only in single mode, no plugin, just uver usb midi for playing single sounds...

    What happens is: From time to time, completely randomly as I see, the volume of the TI get´s super low. The patch volume of the patches
    seems to be normal as it should be. If I plug off power and restart the TI the volume is normal again. But that´s not cool in a liveset!
    When my midi-program-change-clips would send something else than the program change, that could be possible. But there is nothing
    in it, no events, no envelopes, nothing and it doesn´t happen every time I start a scene (including 2 playback files and a prog chng).

    I know that there are other people that had this issue but I´ve got no solution and no idea.

    Has anyone got an idea to solve that shit?

    Greetings, Manu