16 Channel Multi Timbral Cubase 6

  • Hi All,

    Does anyone know how I can use all 16 of my virus channels on Cubase 6. In logic I just create a 16 channel Multi Timbral and it works fine. I can't figure out what Im doing wrong :(

    Does anyone know how to do this? Much appreciated


  • Dear Chris,
    Here's how you do this in Cubase:

    - load the Virus TI plugin into Cubase' "VST INSTRUMENTS" panel
    - Cubase then will ask you if you want to create a Midi channel for this instrument - accept this
    - next create 15 additional Midi channels also routed to the "Virus TI" plugin, but make sure they are all set to different Midi channels

    (here Cubase simply creates the Midi channels with the following Midi Channels settings, so this should happen automatically)

    Aldo to get the additional outputs of the Virus TI Control plugin into the Cubase mixer, make a click on the little square sign left of the instrument name also in the instrument panel. There you can select which outputs you want to activate.

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner