Problem saving sounds

  • Hello I would like to save or amended by the sounds of the presets already present in the virus.
    Or as the VST software next to the tracks where you load sounds and Load and Save, if I go to save, there are two menus (1) Virus TI2 - (2) Public Libraries
    First of all I would like to know where you can save if virus of free places on the ROM or RAM, then which one should I save the sound.
    Or is there another procedure?
    Someone can tell me the procedure to be done?


  • Dear mister_bit,
    Like "Prime_NL" already mentioned you indeed only can save onto RAM Banks directly in the Virus TI unit, if you don't want to save sounds to the "public libraries", which are Midi files stored on your computer.
    Besides using the "save" button next to the PART volume slider to the left of the PlugIn you also can drag'n'drop a sound from the PART to the left of the PlugIn straight to a bank in the BROWSER tab of the PlugIn (given you either have a public library loaded or a RAM bank there, since you can't store to ROM Banks).

    Best wishes,
    Jörg Hüttner