Envelope follower (for sidechain effects)

  • An envelope follower (with adjustable attack and decay) with the option to use internal sounds (may be a bit difficult to implement) aswell as external audio as a source would be an amazing source of modulation. You could modulate filter cutoff, wave shape, filter/osc balance and ring mod for some really awesome effects; and since it would be a monophonic source of modulation you could also modulate parameters on FX1&2

  • Unless I'm missing something, don't we already have this? I'm not home right now and I certainly don't use this feature nearly enough, but I thought I remembered doing this years ago on my C?

  • Yeah from what I can tell the envelope follower isn't a source of modulation (at least it's not freely assignable). What I was asking for was an envelope follower (with adjustable attack&decay) that can be used as a source of modulation that way you can assign it to stuff like filter cutoff.