• First make sure the virus is set up correctly.
    Go to the patch utility>config page and make sure "USB Audio Mode" is set to "3 Outs" (either will do). This allows you to route patches to one of 3 outputs (set the output in Common Tab>Main Out).

    Now you have to configure FL
    First route the virus to a track on the mixer, select a track and press ctrl+L. The next step differs depending on what version you use. In FL10 you have to click the small cog on the top left corner of the TI window, click the processing tab and set the outputs to 1, 2 & 3 (channels will be routed to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd channel after the one you have routed the virus to) - Prior to FL10 I think you had to select "enable multiple outputs" from the plugin config menu (top left corner of the plugin)