OS5 Envelopes - No option to modulate filter stages

  • Hopefully this is planned but I do modulate envelope stages quite a lot (to change the curve of stages and just to create variation).

  • sh!t I have no idea where filter stages came from xD
    Yeah I meant the envelope stages, you can modulate ADSR stages for amp and filter envelopes which I find extremely useful.

  • Sorry I was actually talking about the envelope stages. With the Amp/Filter envelopes you can automate the stages and if you modulate them with themselves you can change the curve of the stages.

    You can automate the filterbank cutoff using the "freqshift freq" parameter (the name hasn't been updated yet is all)

  • @ping_panic: This is a known issue. In fact you can't modulate any per-part effect with any envelope (since envelopes are per note). Instead, you can modulate them with an LFO in ENV mode. It looks like it will be a while before this issue is resolved since this behavior is fundumental to the Virus architecture.

    Yeah it kind of makes sense in poly mode but I don't see any kind of logical problems in mono.