Where to start? new to synthesis

  • Are there any tutorials on using the virus ti2 :?: I enjoy using the different sound banks but not to shore what im doing when changing filters etc.
    If you no of any links that can help then please let me know. or any advice it will be apreciated, Just trying to get my head round what everything does so im not guessing Thanks

  • Hi tracks4ever

    Welcome to the magical world of the Access Virus, I'm sure you will enjoy your time with us.

    There's loads of places to find tutorials but I'll point you towards some that you might find useful. Sound on Sounds Synth Secrets series covers a lot of the fundamentals of synthesis & is a good place to start building a solid foundation of understanding on, start at the bottom of the page & work your way up (this will take you quite a while to read through it all)


    For a more Virus specific tutorial, head over to Howard Scarrs website & download the pdf of a tutorial he wrote for one of the older Virus synths - even though it's for an older synth it's still a useful guide for the TI as well.


    Check out the main Access site, it also contains a few handy video tutorials


    Finally, as if I haven't given you enough to go on already. Your chums at Access ran a series of Bootcamp videos a while back, they used to be available on the main site but I'm not sure if they are still there. Luckily for you though you can still watch them all over on their video channel.


    Happy learning :thumbup:

  • Are there any tutorials on using the virus ti2 :?: I enjoy using the different sound banks but not to shore what im doing when changing filters etc.
    If you no of any links that can help then please let me know. or any advice it will be apreciated, Just trying to get my head round what everything does so im not guessing Thanks

    hi, I think the right order is :
    Sessions 05: Access Virus Ti then
    Synthesis Volume 1
    from http://www.dancemusicproduction.com Cheers :)