advanced usb mode\standalone midi options....

  • why cant the virus ti recieve midi from the actualy midi inputs and then send that data through usb into my daw to be recorded, i want nothing more than to hook up my keyboard to the TI with a midi cable and hear the TI with 0 zero latency while still recording midi, maybe im missing something but it seems that whenever the usb connection is being used with the TI the actual phsyical MIDI input stops triggering the TI
    if i had a second midi interface and hooked up the virus ti's midi out into it and then recorded from that device into my pc it still wouldnt work because i need to use usb for the virus control software..... i dont want to go throooooough my daw and baaaaaaack into the synth because, o look latency is present when im playing......
    so as far as i can tell from trying for a week to get this to work, there is no way of triggering the TI with midi while usb\sequencer connection has been established....whether its virus control or just sending midi from my DAW the old fashioned way.....usb equals death of the midi in...
    if ive missed something i apologise for not asking about this first but im pretty sure this is correct.
    it would be realy nice to be able to play with the midi ins while using the usb as well...

  • When the Virus USB cable is plugged in, the MIDI in and out ports become ports of the computer, instead of the synth. This means that in order to play the synth, the DAW should receive MIDI from these ports, and then when the Virus track (or a track feeding it) is armed, it will be fed with the MIDI data. Since the sound that comes back from the Virus via USB is buffered, there is a delay in the response. You can reduce this delay by enabling "live" mode using the live button on VC's bottom left corner. Exit live mode when you are about to bounce Virus tracks, or record mixdowns. If the reduced delay is still too much for you, you can put the played part in "direct" mode ("D"/"direct" button on the left) - this will make the sounds come out through the line outs with no latency, and you can use a mixing console or the soundcard to combine it back into the mix.