Editing / Updating Several Patches @ Once?

  • I own aTI2 Polar w/ the latest OS. Is there a way to "mass" edit several patches at once? Say I want to change the catergory of a dozen patches at once... or perhaps I want them all to have the same mod matrix setting (i.e. assigning the Mod to Filter Cutoff), do I have to do this one at a time in VC? Is there some ofther software package that would allow me to make simple "mass" changes like this? I am trying to update some sound banks and updating them patch at a time is brutal. Thanks all

  • No batch processing that I know of in the TI, but there is a way to reduce the amount of key presses. If you are able to capture the sysEx data that results from the changes you want to make to a patch, you can play back the sysEx when a different patch is loaded to the edit buffer, and then store the patch at the same place.
    Good luck!

  • Marc,

    The Section Lock is a excellent suggestion! Worked great for the Mod Matrix, FX & Arp page! Thank you so much for mentioning it - it never would have occured to me. You literally cut my work in half!!!

    I can't seem to get a section lock to appear for "Category" or "Soft Knobs"... is that just the design or is there something special I need to do on the "Common" tab? That would literally solve all my issues with assigning mass paramaters absent a "batch" process. In any event, thanks again for taking the time to post - your advice really helped!! :)


    Thanks for confirming that there are no real batch options - sometimes it just good to know you are not missing something! :P It hadn't occured to me to try recording sysEx before. I tried capturing the "Category" change and the "Soft Knob" change with my MPC Ren to no avail, but I will try again in my sequencer (Presonus). I wonder if that information is sent as sysEx? Good suggestion though, as the mousing and clicking is what I hate most. If I get this piece to work I will let you know.



  • I can't seem to get a section lock to appear for "Category" or "Soft Knobs"... is that just the design or is there something special I need to do on the "Common" tab? That would literally solve all my issues with assigning mass paramaters absent a "batch" process. In any event, thanks again for taking the time to post - your advice really helped!!

    i can't check it right now but afaik section locking doesn't extend to the category settings. as for the soft knobs: those are "meta" parameters in most cases and therefore locking wouldn't result in what's wanted in most cases.
    cheers, marc

  • Hi Marc - I belive you are correct - it is simply not a parameter set that can be locked (and it is not available as a "preset" lock like Osc, Filter, Arp, etc are). Regardless, locking those other pages down will be a tremendous time saver so I am glad part of the solution was looking me right in the face.

    I wonder what other soundset designers do when they want to apply similar soft knob and/or catergory changes to several patches? Maybe they are simply more effecient than me whilst making their patches to begin with and don't need to go back and make "batch" changes after-the-fact... :)