Midi CC - mod matrix mapping

  • Hi,
    Im trying to determine what each of the Midi CC controls for the TI

    Most are documented well, but I see a few that are 'puzzling' and are available in the mod matrix
    in particular

    Controller 3
    Data Entry
    Controller 12
    Controller 13
    Controller 14
    Controller 15
    Controller 16

    My assumption is that these have no actual mapping to functionality (or the other controller CCs) other than to

    this thread MIDI Control of Soft Knobs seems to say by convention (only!) the soft knobs 'functions' are usually mapped to:
    Soft knob 1: CC#1 (Modulation Wheel)
    Soft knob 2: CC#6 (Data Entry)
    Soft knob 3: CC#3 (Control 03)

    but this seems to be far from true, I do see many using this (though not necessarily in this order, but thats unimportant) - but there are quite a number that just program the softknob to the attribute directly

    So am I correct in saying. the controller & data entry CC are freely assignable, and then usable in the mod matrix for what you want, and usually its the above 3 that will be used in the mod matrix.
    (also that the soft knobs are not directly controllable by CC, but there targets usually will be, even if its necessary to use a mod matrix slot to do so)

  • Generally yes - if you want to control several aspects of your patch from a single source, choose one of these unassigned CC-s as a source in the modulation matrix for several destinations. You can configure the soft knobs to send those CC-s or send them directly from your DAW. There are no "usual" choices as one chooses what works best with one's DAW.
    Hope this helps.

  • cool, thanks - I always wondered why the modmatix often had Control 3 and Dataentry in them... so glad that is clear.
    I can understand access's reasons for not having a CC for softknob ... if you do your own presets its not needed, but if you are using an alternative controller and use existing presets it would be handy, at least as a starting point.