Some questions about patch banks

  • 1. What is the "Virus TI RAM Bank A-D for backup purposes" in the download section? It seems to contain sounds already available in ROM. Is it just copies of ROM patches that are in RAM when the Virus is new from the factory? (I got mine second-hand, so I haven't seen what was in RAM when it was new)

    2. Do the TI factory ROM patches include the patches from older products? I notice there's a "Virus C Series ROM Banks" (for TI users) and it has a lot of patches that are in TI ROM, but is organised somewhat different. It is missing banks A and B though, is there anything interesting there? What about Virus B, does it have the same patches?

    3. The TI software comes with factory patches for TI2, which has more/other patches. Are these fully compatible with TI, or would there be problems if I replace the TI patches with the TI2 ones?

    4. My second-hand TI came with some additional non-factory patches in ROM. The patch names have initials SC, BA, LD, PD, and PLK. Does anyone recognise them? Are they from the download section of, or somewhere else?

  • 4. My second-hand TI came with some additional non-factory patches in ROM. The patch names have initials SC, BA, LD, PD, and PLK. Does anyone recognise them? Are they from the download section of, or somewhere else?

    Update: One bank has been identified, probably BA = bass, LD = lead, PD = pad, and PLK = pluck. In the other bank all patches are labeled SC. The previous owner thinks they might be from UXS, but UXS says they don't have anything labeled like that. If anyone knows what SC could mean, please speak up. :)