Resetting LFO cycle at loop point with a hardware sequencer

  • Are there hardware sequencers that will allow for a clocked LFO in my Virus TI to either:

    Follow the riff, so that for instance with a one bar riff, the LFO will repeat with the riff, sounding the same with each 1 bar repetition as in Live

    or: Resetting its cycle at the loop point,like with the sequencer in Reason?

    In Reason, the LFO will, with any clocked rate, sound exactly the same with each reset at loop point. However it wont hold its sync when say a 1 bar riff is copied into two identical bars in a 2 bar loop. The different copies of the bar will sound different, but each individual 1 bar copy will sound the same each time it's played through.

    In Live, running Virus Control, the LFO's sync quite well to say a 1 bar riff. Seems any LFO clock rate (at or below 1/1) resets its cycle at each 1 bar repetition regardless of how many bars the loop is. No Trigger Phase, Key Trigger or Envelope Mode used. Nice. Not as perfect as with the loop thing in Reason though.

    Haven't tried with Live running as a sequencer without Virus Control, as I don't have MIDI ports on my laptop.

    With the Command Station as sequencer, a clocked LFO on my Virus wont sound the same over time in any way it seems. Each repetition sounds very different. Not Nice. Envelope Mode and Trigger Phase makes the LFO's settle more, but it's not the same.

    Is this how all hardware sequencers will behave when running external equipment or are there sequencers that will allow for the LFOs to behave as in Reason or Live by sending loop point messages or something? Thinking maybe the sequencer would have to be in control both before and AFTER the synth to make this possible.. I'm Comfused