Unable to record Knob's moves during a track recording (TI 2 and Logic Express)

  • Hi,

    I'm a new Virus TI 2 Keyboard's user.

    I'm using Apple Logic Express (OSX 10.6), and the TI2 is connected to the MAC via the USB cable.

    The Virus works fine with Logic, but one thing is going wrong:

    While I'm recording a track from the Virus to Logic via Virus Control: When many Knobs are used during the recording (Phaser, decay, Cutoff etc): any changes are recorded:

    Sometimes, the "soft knobs 1 and 2 moved during the reading of the track but not all the time.

    Logic is setup as require by the manual:

    From the LOGIC/Audio/: Driver is set on "Acces Virus TI" and I/O buffer is set on "small"

    From the Global page: Cycle processing is set on: I/96 and "Smooth Cycle" is checked also.

    Can you please confirm that it is possible to record the Knob's moves in realtime during a recording session and hear the change while the playback of each track?

    Could you please help me?

    Best regards from France

  • unfortunately its not that simple with the soft knobs, as it depends on the patch.

    the soft knobs themselves are not controls, instead they assigned to other controls.
    if they are assigned to a CC (often used for mod matrix) or a control which generates a CC, then they will send a CC to logic, and so be recorded. however, some patches map the soft know to a sound parameter that does have a CC mapping (this is a midi limitation, as there are only 127 CCs and the virus has many more parameters than that!), usually these are sent as sysex messages, which would not be recorded.

    there are a few ways around this… the easiest is change the patch and assign a CC to the soft knob, and then use plugin automation on the controls you want to record.