Virus volume in Logic

  • Forgive my noobishness if this is a easily answered question...

    But I seem to only be able to get the VU meter in my logic channel strip to go up about a 1/4 of the way with the virus plugin when the channel fader is at 0db... it makes the virus tough to stand out in mixes especially when I'm trying out new parts/voices
    Am I doing something wrong?

    I've been using a gain plug in and/or compression to get up more towards 0db.

  • if you play enough voices, the meter will hit 0dB - the headroom is needed in order to cope with the polyphony. using a gainer plug-in to raise the level is the right way. in fact i tend to lower the volume of my instruments more and more to have enough headroom when the song gets denser. i'm pushing the volume at the main outs and start composing with all faders at -20dB

    best, marc