Virus TI midi driver failed (help me pls)

  • hi everybody

    i had spent two day to finding the problem n answer about the Virus ti midi driver failed
    but i still can't to solve it

    i had remove all the use hub or other use plug
    i just plugin the Virus TI use cable in a use port
    but still saying tat "a device called "USB 2.0 HUB "sharing the sams USB root hub ......blablablabla........." T.T

    my MacOS version is 10.9.2

    i had already try the version of virus ti software
    Virus TI Software Suite
    Virus TI Software Suite

    only Virus TI Software Suite can detected the hardware

    in the forum somebody say delete the midi driver of virus ti
    i tried it but doesn't work

    pls help me
    i am getting crazy now
    pls help me :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: