Hi all, from a U.S. DnB producer

  • My name's Brandon, I'm from Pittsburgh, PA, U.S. and I just recently bought a Virus C off of a friend. I've spent all of my time playing with it, with exception to sleep and work. I don't have any tracks finished that are made with it yet, but I'm about halfway through one now!

    I have a recent obsession with DnB, although I've had a slight fascination with this dubstep stuff. Right now, I'm trying to get a decent "Womp" out of a vocoder... ha! You can hear my completed music at http://www.myspace.com/thesausagepuppies . When I get some virus tracks done, I'll post them in the appropriate thread.

    I'm hoping to see what all of you have gotten out of your hardware and software, and to leech as much knowledge off of the well experienced as I can! Who knows? Someday someone might need to leech off of me :)

