Can't make atomizer work

  • Hello,

    I wanted to try Atomizer, however, I hear both sounds... the input and the sampled loop (I saw some videos and it's supposed to mute the input sound while playing the loop.... right?).
    I have connected an audio input, enable Atomizer for the input and put a Atomizer parameter. I also tried the Mod Wheel but theres no noticeable change. Is there any extra setup I have to do? I don't have the Virus connected to the PC, is this a requirement for this feature?

    Thank for your answers...

  • i play with it infrequently, (and never get much useful out of it :( ) but if i remember correctly the input is 'gated', and then the level is changed by the mod wheel.
    in reality, every time i use it, i have to go and read the manual again .. which does have the info.