I am having trouble running a TI-2 Desktop and a TI Snow through USB at the same time in Cubase 6.5.5

  • I am having trouble running a TI-2 Desktop and a TI Snow through USB at the same time in Cubase 6.5.5:

    It seems i cant run both units at the same time through my DAW. Both are connected via USB provided from factory.

    In my current project i am using a Virus TI Snow connected via USB and using the Virus TI Snow VST interface (this works fine).

    I borrowed a Virus TI2 Desktop from a friend of mine and whenever i add the Virus TI (not snow) plugin into my vst list in cubase (f11), the VST wont load, it keeps saying "You need to connect a Virus TI Desktop, Polar, or Keyboard to run the Virus TI Plugin, or open the Virus Control plug-in that is suited for the Virus TI Snow".

    Is this occuring because both the hardware units are trying to utilize the SAME USB driver that is installed to windows ?

    Basically the way i see it at the moment, whichever unit i turn on first is the one that windows and cubase enables me to use through usb.

    If there is anyone who can help me with this please do so. Both unit's firmware/software is updated to the latest as well as the latest vst version.

    Thank you.