Remote buttons & values limits

  • I think I'm the third in the forum to ask for this...well, I add my voice to the chorus, hoping that you at Access will listen to us (if this is tecnically possible).
    I'm building my remote template for an old Waldorf Pulse 1. I already mapped Filter, envelopes and OSCs' functions, But to complete the job, to totally program the Pulse from the Virus panel, use of buttons to dial in exact values is reeeeally appreciated (if not A MUST).
    Can this be done?
    Thanks in advance, Acces people :) :)

    -Windows 10 Pro 64bit DAW (Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero + i9-9900)

    -Steinberg Cubase 10 + Steinberg CC121 Controller
    -Steinberg MR816 CSX + Behringer ADA8200
    -iConnectivity MIO10
    -Virus TI2 P0lar
    -Waldorf Pulse (1)
    -Waldorf Blofeld

    -Yamaha AN1x
    -Yamaha Reface DX
    -Clavia Nord Modular G1 Expanded

    -Moog Minitaur
    -Maschine MK3

    -Elektron Octatrack MKII

    -Adam A7X