my new Virus please help

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    Hello all,

    finally got my virus ti2, paid cash for it nearly two months ago and it arrived yesterday, yae!

    Opened the box to find that the volume knob was bent, gutted!

    so it looks like I will have to send it back...

    any way I had little time on it last night, but a couple of things kinda bugged out, loaded the logic tute song played all right for a bit then had to shut it down as the virus had stuck notes.

    Then I opened a blank logic template and played around but I could not play presets unless I had a midi cord plugged in from my controller, I could only play the first preset even though I was selecting other ones.

    I thought I only needed usb?

    If I play the virus in standalone mode (no logic) with a midi cord, sometimes I got stuck sounds and glitches, I then shut it down, haven’t had that problem since ( well I have only used it for about half an hour)

    Is this normal?

    I have spent little time with the virus so far so I am sure I will figure these out in time, but tips would be great,

    latest os brand new synth, logic 9


    : update; sent to local access repairer to fix knob, I mentioned the stuck notes should I mention the lack of being able to select presets without a midi cord?
