virus control, reducing latency

  • hi all.
    Discovering my brand-new virus T I desktop, I am familiar to most of the concepts as I was using the C before.
    however, when I want to use it as a VST synth, I find the latency quite big.
    My soundcard is set to 128 samples, I would like to keep it this way, and it's fairly reasonable with all my other plug-ins.
    Other than the soundcard setting, is there a way to reduce latency on the T I?
    Thank's for your help,
    kind regards,
    Jean-Philippe Rykiel

  • In the Virus control VST
    In your common tab =, output should be set to "Out1 L+R".
    In your patch utility/config tab, "Out1 L+R".
    Do this for all 16 channels... Yes...
    What does this do? USB = Midi only. You can use your soundcard to accept the sounds, which are likely to accept a higher resolution with audio recording.
    Also set your virus VST to LIVE mode, it listens better with this setup.

    If needed, setup your wrappers input output channel if you need to.

  • Dear Noisy,
    tthanks a lot for your help. It sure works better using the analogue outputs. But this brings another question.
    When I export a project,, I don't have to make an audio copy of my virtual synth tracks. What happens with the virus? Now that the sound is routed to output 1 which is an analogue output, will I have to make it an audio track before I can export the project?
    Another totally different question,, my knob movements are not recorded on my virus VST tracks, but they are when I use MIDI. What could be the reason?
    Best regards,