Hardware Issue??

  • Hi
    I recently bought an Octatrack and have started using it to sequence the virus. I initially started in Single mode and all works smoothly. I'm on version

    In the last few weeks I have started using Multimode as the Octatrack has 8 midi channels. Things started off ok, I could have three parts being sequenced on three channels. Now over the last week, it does matter what I do, when I go to Multimode it doesn't matter what Part I'm on it play the same sound. And in fact the sound does not change when I change the patch for the part.

    I've checked the midi channel for each part, they all have there corresponding midi channels. I tried going into SEQ mode and it seems to behave strangely as well.

    I actually dumped using the plugin on my Mac and moved to external sequencing on the Octatrack because things used to go completely awry in logic or ableton. But now I'm wondering whether I actually have some hardware issue.

  • sounds unlikely to be hardware... as it simply sounds like something is coming thru on the wrong midi channel,
    and thats more a software (firmware) thing, than a piece of hardware...
    (given the complexity of the TI and the Octatrack, easy to have confusion :))

    for whatever reason, it sounds like you are only sending in on channel one.
    (I assume if you change the patch on channel 1, then the sounds does change?)

    what I would try is:
    a) monitor midi messages - send the midi from the octatrack thru a computer back out to Virus, and then use a midi monitor to see if the octatrack is sending on the correct channels. (take care some daws, e.g. Live force things on to one channel)
    b) test the Virus alone, e.g. from a daw (or keyboard) where you explicitly set the midi channel.
    c) SEQ mode, is interesting... so perhaps worth following up on... i.e. what does 'strangely' mean, the reason its interesting, is you cannot change midi channels so its forced.
    d) try with the octatrack into a DAW, sending to multiple channels, does this work properly?

    the other thing I would do, is really dig into why Live/Logic 'went awry' and why SEQ mode 'behaves strangely', I suspect they point to a similar issue... all work fine for me here, (including external sequencing via a Spectralis which is 'similar' to the octatrack.)

    anyway, check the midi messages first, so you know for sure... where the fault lies.

  • Hi
    Thanks for your help.
    Actually when the problem is evident the cable connected to the virus is the power cable.
    I eliminated all other things eg MIDI, USB

    In fact I tried updating to Version this morning and it has killed it. No lights, can't power up. Have logged call with Access.