Lost all knob & pot functionality on Virus TI [solved]

  • The knobs and pots on my Virus TI2 ceased to produce any effect when turned. Master Volume control still works. All buttons are fully functional, and all sub-menus are browsable. How can I fix this? If I use factory reset, will my firmware for Virus Control be removed (do NOT want to re-install that).

    I'm a new Virus owner. Everything was working smoothly with hardware as well as Virus Control through Ableton Live 9 (OSx 10).

    I've been messing around with sending other instruments through the input, clicking around in the config menus, and generally messing about in the Virus controls and parameters. Perhaps I somehow disabled knob (pot) functionality?

    Very odd occurrence, could not find anything similar via 'Search'.

    Please advise :thumbup: