Midi over USB

  • I'm trying to do some trouble shooting (stuck midi notes) I get this problem using VC so my first thought was to try it with Virus control set to send output over the analogue outputs, this works (the sound comes out of the audio track and I can write midi notes on the instrument track and they play... But they get stuck and do weird things as usual so I have the same problem) So my next thought is to completely avoid a usb connection directly with the computer and to try midi controlling the virus only, I don't have any midi cables but my sound card - an Apogee Duet(Latest model that also connects to an ipad) has a midi port that is a usb port and can apparently do midi over that..

    SO my idea is to connect the usb from the virus to the usb/midi port on my Duet and then the audio outs from my virus to the audio in's on the Duet. I've done this, I get audio perfectly but I can't write/read midi..

    Can the virus send Midi data purely over usb in this fashion?

    I'm using Logic X 10.2 and the TI2 Keyboard if that makes any difference.
