Midi - Arpeggiator only

  • Hi there,

    The setup:
    Novation Bass-station 2 midi out into Virus A midi in, Virus midi through into Modular system.

    The Problem:
    I want to use the Bass-station's arpeggiator to control the virus (and then some modular stuff) via midi. But I don't want all the other Bass-station's controls to interfere with the Virus' controls.
    Is there any way to allow the virus just to receive note on/off (gate) and pitch signals and leave everything else to the local controllers?

    Thank you very much in advance for any kind of help.


  • It's not a stupid question, it's just that this has more to do with the Novation than the Virus. You can turn off whether the Virus listens to patch or bank change messages, and probably bank dumps etc. but general controller information will still go through unless your Novation can filter them. Some DAWS can filter them out, like Cakewalk, but then you have to have a computer in the way. Also why not just use the arpeggiator on the Virus?

  • Thank you very much for your answer, MrMowgli!

    I don't want to filter out the midi information at the bassstation output since it's controlling my modular stuff as well (via the virus' midi thru). That's also the reason why I'm using the Novation's arpeggiator: it is driving not only the virus but other modular synths, too.
    So if I get you right (sorry, I'm not really versed in midi-vocabulary...): it is not possible to allow the virus just to react on the external arpeggiator but not on all those other novation-knob-turning-midi-messages?

  • Yes basically that's what I am saying. Controllers received by the Virus (IF that particular CC number does something) will change the sound. SYSEX on the other hand shouldn't. So either the controller send can be turned off on the Bassstation or I think you might be out of luck without a DAW. Sorry :(