How do I stop a Virus Ti from sending sysex messages?

  • Hello,
    Most of the buttons and knobs on my Ti Polar send out a sysex message when used. The sysex causes the communication between the virus and my NI maschine to malfunction.
    Is there a way to prevent the sysex messages from being output?

  • The manual says:

    "MIDI Device ID
    1 to 16, Omni (17): Identification number for transmitting/receiving System Exclusive data (see glossary). To allow SysEx communication between two devices, they must be set to the same device ID. If set to Omni, the Virus will receive Sysex data with any ID, and transmit with ID = 17."

    Maybe you can change the device ID on the TI or the NI machine so that they no longer match? Doesn't look like there is a filter for SysEx data on the TI itself. Another option would be to use a sysex filter on your sequencer if it allows it.