is my new virus kc broken ...please help im stuck not workin in cubase

  • hi all,

    my virus midi does not seem to play back in cubase.

    i have connected all of the audio thorugh a mixer and cubase can record the audio via a audio recording so i know that side of thing is ok.

    my basic understanding is if the midi out from the virus makes the notes in cubase then i take it the midi in plays them back through the virus that correct ???

    so there must be problem with the midi in or the virus recieving the information from cubase ....?

    i have checked all the viable settings in cubase all all the ports seem to be connected correctly...

    Is there a setting on the virus that i need to adjust or is there a problem with my virus....not being able to receive information.......urggggghhhhh..this is not looking all...

    help... :(

  • Make sure your MIDI tracks are pointing to the right paths. Eg. Part 1 = MIDI 1 IN / MIDI 1 OUT.
    The same as Cubase and it's MIDI tacks.
    Keep us posted and we'll keep trying from here.