Virus Snow always 2 semi tones flat ?

  • Ever since I have had the Virus Snow since just before Christmas it has been 2 semi tones flat.

    Does anyone know where I can look to adjust this permanently to be correct ?

    When I have been listening to presets they are always out of tune
    by 2 ST's. Would someone be as kind as to guide me as to the probable
    reason ?

    I usually turn the oscillators up 2 semitones but every preset loaded rests them making it a very slow
    and uninspiring process.

    In the common page in Virus GUI (virus control) it is at -12 on the transpose. (Which I also through
    rather odd as a default setting)

  • Well after a search on this and a check against a softsynth tuning in a basic 2 track project (Virus Vs Massive init settings) it turned out to be the old sample rate chestnut. So for the benefit of others who may experience this quirk in the future.....

    I switched my sound card and Cubase to 48kHz and back to 44.1kHz and it seemed to resolve the tuning problems. At least for that project.

    I will have to see what happens in existing and subsequent projects. (lucky I bounced my existing Virus parts to audio and they were more effects and non melodic/arp parts so they were ok in the track before I noticed the tuning problem.. strange but true.)

    A few hoops to jump through with this box.

    But the sound is sweet.. the sound is worth persevering for.