VIrus TI Keyboard doesn't boot

  • Hi,

    I've been owning my Virus TI Keyboard for 8 years now and it has been working all the time until a few days ago.
    And here's the story to it:
    As I updated my Mac to macOS Sierra, I also updated the software for the Virus TI (on the computer and on the synth).
    But later on, I built a new machine with Windows 7, so I needed to downgrade the OS on the virus since the latest Virus software for Windows has not the same version # as the latest software for macOS.
    So I downgraded the OS on my synth. The downgrade worked well, as far as I remember, but the next time I tried to boot the Virus, the LEDs above the Transpose buttons didn't blink and there seems to be no power.
    This is still the case. The synth doesn't boot.

    What might be the reason for this?
    Broken/failed downgrade?
    Broken internal power supply?
    Broken battery?
    Broken capacitor?

    Any suggestions on how to fix this, be it official statements from Access or any experienced board member, highly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!

  • Sounds more like an internal power supply problem than software, but best to contact Virus support by email and they can help.

    My internal power supply was replaced many years ago and there's some good threads to help on this forum and

