Problems with 5.1.7 control Please Help

  • I have a Virus Ti 2 Desktop. And updated the mac to high Sierra therefore updated Virus control to 5.1.7 this is the message that tells me:- remove all cables including USB, power and audio cables form your virus ti
    - Wait for 30 secons

    - Hold the exit key which is located left to the display white plugging in the power cable

    - Wait until your virus ti shows Usb update mode

    - Plug- in the usb cale

    E tried with the Exit key to leave it pressed and nothing. And followed the steps and nothing happens. My virus is not recognized by the mac. If I unplug the USB cable the virus if it detects that it is connected to the mac. Please help with this ..... Thanks

  • The problem has already been fixed,Thanks to the technical support I sent the link of the possible problem and that's how it was. It is security configuration. Here I leave it in case someone happens something like this ....

  • *UPDATE*

    So after installing on a OLD 2007 MacBook, the installer is completing and 'transferring firmware' to the virus... Its defiantly a driver compatibility issue with the latest MacOS systems... - Ill update if the TI works when updated and connected to the new Mac...

  • So after installing on a OLD 2007 MacBook, the installer is completing and 'transferring firmware' to the virus... Its defiantly a driver compatibility issue with the latest MacOS systems... - Ill update if the TI works when updated and connected to the new Mac...

    wrong. it works fine on new macs and with the latest OS apple has released. what causes those things is the USB layout of some macs. you need to use different ports and eventually an USB2 hub you only connect the Virus to.